Monday, December 1, 2014

Our Quest with Guest Speakers

We have LOVED learning from our Guest Speakers!

Chad Chapman, the firefighter, joined us during Fire Safety Week, and showed the class his fire gear. They loved his "Darth Vader" voice when he wore his mask. :)  He taught us the purpose behind what firefighters wear and "stop, drop, and roll." We also read "Stop, Drop, and Roll" by Margery Cuyler about poor Jessica who couldn't get the phrase right. "Slop, mop, and stroll," Jessica would try. The class laughed as she tried silly phrase after silly phrase. By the end of the book, everyone listening could tell Jessica that it's STOP, DROP, AND ROLL!

During Horse and Farm week, Ashley Mortensen whose sister is Miss Rodeo Utah, taught us about baby horses and their mommies and daddies. The class was curious about what horses liked to eat and learned that apples are like dessert to horses while grain is their main diet. All the kids were able to feel horse reins and sit atop Miss Rodeo Utah's horse saddle.  What cuties!

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