Thursday, April 16, 2015

Z the Zebra Week

 We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo. How about you, you, you?

Gorilla Hand Math Activity

How big is a gorilla hand? It's a whopping 12 inches tall! How big is your hand? Let's measure with our handy dandy measuring tape. Let's compare. Whose hand is bigger? Whose hand is smaller?

 Zookeeper Drama Center

Zookeepers feed, bathe, and take care of the animals at the zoo. We had some lions, bears, and birds in cages who needed some care at our Preschool Zoo. Many zookeepers gave them food to eat, and we even had some keys to lock and unlock the cages.

 Sight Word Game: Writing in cornmeal!

This game mesmerized the kids! The feel of the cornmeal and the magic of making letters appear brought smiles. We practiced writing up, the, and, he, and she.

Practicing Data and Graphs

We took a poll of our favorite animals at the zoo. We learned about tally marks and what they represent. After counting the tallies, we could see which animal was the favorite.

BYU Bean Museum Field Trip!

The Live Animal show at BYU helped us use clues to identify different animals. We met a frog named Lemon, and we met and touched MoJo the lizard and Victor the snake.

Meeting MoJo the lizard

 Holding a whales spine vertabrae

Meeting Victor the snake

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