Friday, April 3, 2015

Yell "Yes!" For our Senses


How many of the 10 objects can you remember? Look for 30 seconds. Ready, set, GO!
(At this point, you could hear lots of whispers as they tried to memorize what they could see.)

TIMES UP! Tell me, which objects do you remember?

We practiced raising our hands and waiting our turn to share. We sounded out each word and Miss Lori and Miss K helped spell correctly. When we got to 8, we couldn't remember anymore. Let's take a break and find out how many more we need to remember. If there were 10 objects and we remember 8, how many more objects do we need to remember? TWO! That must have sparked our memory because we remembered the Marker and the Crayon after that. :)


 The classic feel-in-the-bag-without-looking activity to explore our sense of touch. Each student had a turn picking an object out of the bag and describing it to the class. Then we sorted their objects, whether they were soft & smooth, soft & rough, hard & rough, or hard & smooth. Sometimes an object had all of the qualities!


Discovering our sense of taste during snack time did not disappoint! At the beginning, we tasted 4 mystery foods and decided whether they were sweet, bitter, salty, or sour. 

We could write or draw the item on our graphs. We decided that sugar is sweet, cocoa is bitter, salt is salty, and lemons are sour.
Check out some faces we made while taste-testing.

Then we had our real snack of watermelon, strawberries, and grapes. How would you describe each of these foods? Sweet, bitter, salty, or sour?

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