Saturday, February 28, 2015

Knowledge About Our Bodies

What organs are inside our bodies?

We worked really hard tracing our bodies and gluing organs to our paper bodies. We glued a heart, kidneys, bladder, and bones. The best part was drawing a stomach and "gluing" bits of candy to it with Karo Syrup (because our teeth, which are bones, break down food into small pieces, which then travels to our stomach, which breaks down the food into smaller pieces with acid) and licking it off when we got home.

And let's not forget our Vet Clinic! 

With our masks, bandaids, and gloves, we cared for the animals with A LOT of love and shots. :)  Who wants to be a veterinarian? One friend said, "When I grow up, I want to be an animal doctor AND Wonder Woman!"

All this talk of bodies makes me hungry. Let's make a body out of vegetables! Take a look at some awesome creations. (Blurry creations, that is. Sometimes pictures don't do it justice.)

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